Cooking with Seniors


STEM learning through Cooking with the Seniors from Pendana Social Centre.

Year 1 students from Al-Hidayah Islamic School are currently learning about Chemical Sciences: How everyday materials can be physically changed in a variety of ways.

As a part of this lesson, the students had the wonderful opportunity to freshly bake coconut biscuits with the Seniors from Pendana Social Centre.

Throughout the baking process, the children had the opportunity to develop so many skills such as reading the recipe, measuring ingredients and following directions. They observed the chemical processes that transform the dry ingredients to create biscuit dough.

It was heart-warming to observe the interactions as the children built warm relationships with the Seniors. They created great memories, with lots of fun and delicious results!

These interactions demonstrate our Islamic values of the elderly having mercy on the young and the young honouring the life experience of our elderly.

We would like to extend our thanks to Chris and the staff from Pendana Social Centre for providing our students with this fantastic opportunity for these on-going mutually beneficial intergenerational activities.

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