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About Us

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A safe and caring Islamic environment

We wholeheartedly encourage the practice of our Islamic ethos throughout the school day. We actively support a safe and caring Islamic environment.

We are committed to providing a child-safe environment which safe guards all students and is committed to promoting practices which provides for the safety, wellbeing and welfare of our children and young people.

Al Hidayah Islamic School expects all school community members including staff, volunteers, students, visitors and contractors to share this commitment. In all situations, and in particular regard to managing students’ behaviour, the school explicitly forbids corporal and degrading punishment and child abuse.

Quality teaching & learning

We enthusiastically offer whole school, cutting edge, quality teaching and learning.

“AL-HIDAYAH” Meaning:

Hidayah is an Arabic word meaning Guidance. Guidance to the straight path, a path that directs us to the desired destination Jannah (Paradise). We constantly ask Allah (SWT) for guidance seventeen times each day in our five daily prayers.

“Guide us to the straight path”
[Quran: Surah Al-Fatihah 1:6]

One way to seek guidance is to quest for knowledge.

“Quest for Knowledge”

School Motto

Quest for Knowledge’ reflects the many references contained in the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) regarding the benefits and rewards of fulfilling our Islamic duty to seek knowledge, which lead us to these conclusions:

  • The acquisition of knowledge  is incumbent for every Muslim, whether male or female.
  • We should remain in pursuit of knowledge from the cradle to the grave.
  • We should spare no effort in the seeking of knowledge.

Quranic Studies, Islamic Studies and Arabic

Our students have a rich, engaging and personalised learning program in Quranic & Islamic Studies and Arabic.

Ten lessons per week! Personalised learning program. Strong foundation in Quranic Studies.

All students receive ten lessons per week from our Specialist Teachers:

  • Two engaging Arabic classes based on the Australian curriculum
  • Two focused Islamic Studies classes
  • Four personalised Quranic Studies classes
  • Two bonus classes depending on students’ needs.

In our Pre-Primary to Year 4 classes, students are split into a girls and boys group. Each small group has their own teacher, which ensures a more personalised learning program for each student. For Quranic Studies in Year 1 and 2, students are split into four groups. Each small group (max. 8 students) works closely with their teacher throughout the year. We believe this gives each child a strong foundation in their Quranic Studies.

Whole-School Sharp Reading Program

We believe that being able to read fluently and with understanding is the foundation for successful student learning. Our Sharp Reading Program, from Pre-Primary to Year 6, explicitly teaches students to read fluently and skills them to understand the text at their appropriate level.

Being able to read fluently and with understanding is the foundation for successful student learning.


Sharp Reading 5-6 Boys

Small groups of up to 6 students. 3 sessions per week!

Students have three Sharp Guided Reading sessions each week where they actively learn in small groups of up to six students. One of our educators guides the children in learning to read fluently and develop their comprehension skills. All our educators receive regular, on-going support and feedback in their delivery of Sharp Guided Reading from AISWA Literacy consultants.

Whole-School Walker Learning Approach to Teaching & Learning

The Walker Learning Approach is an Australian-designed, developmentally appropriate pedagogy (the process of teaching & learning) that embraces the concept of the ‘whole child’. The Western Australian Curriculum underpins all the explicit teaching across all Learning Areas.

Highly Motivated, Fully Engaged Students

The Walker Learning Approach aims to fill classes with highly motivated students who are fully engaged in their learning. It strongly supports teachers to personalise each student’s learning. At Al-Hidayah Islamic School we aim to develop in students:

  • Confidence
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Resilience
  • Persistence
  • Initiative
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Appropriate risk taking
  • Respectful interactions
  • Engagement
  • Confident communication skills

Pre-Primary to Year 2

The key elements of the Walker Learning Approach are an emphasis on relationships, stimulating learning environments with rich provocations, open-ended experiences, and well-defined areas for children to investigate within. Teaching is intentional and acknowledges that not all children are ready to learn the same thing at the same time.

Stimulating Learning Environments

The key elements of this process of teaching & learning are:

  • Investigations
  • Tuning in
  • Focus children
  • Reporter & Photographer
  • Reflection

In addition to the unique elements of Walker Learning, the explicit teaching of literacy, numeracy and all other curriculum areas and requirements of the Western Australian Curriculum are covered.

Years 3 to 6 – Engagement Matters!

Engagement Matters is a personalised learning model that continues to develop and foster the key principles of the Walker Learning Approach across Years 3 – 6. It continues to engage students in their learning and to develop the skills necessary for 21st Century learning.

Developing skills for 21st Century learning.

The key elements of the teaching & learning process are:

  • Formal instruction teaching sessions
  • Focus students
  • Clinic groups
  • Student-led / teacher supported class meetings
  • Student-teacher-parent communication boards
  • Student Project work known as Education Research Projects
  • Expos
  • Teacher, self and peer assessment
  • Mindful planning, documentation and reporting

Flexible Learning Environments are empowering and student-focused.

The requirements of the Western Australian Curriculum are specifically taught in each learning area and broad learning intentions are used to underpin the Education Research Projects that are individually developed by the students and incorporate an element of student interest related to the learning intentions.

School Breakfasts

The School organises a “Healthy School Breakfast” twice a year in order to educate students about the importance of having a tasty, healthy breakfast before coming to school. A healthy breakfast is vital for the children’s health and learning. Studies have confirmed the important link between eating a healthy breakfast and performance in school. Students who eat breakfast demonstrate improved concentration and are more settled and engaged in their learning. Research shows that hungry children have more problems with irritability, anxiety and aggression, as well as more absences and tardiness.

A Vibrant Place of Learning

Our students are encouraged to be:

Creative Thinkers and Inquiring Learners

Inshallah, we hope that you can see that our school is a vibrant place of learning where our students are valued as individuals. Our students are encouraged to be creative thinkers and inquiring learners. The curriculum is designed to assist them to build resilience, develop confidence in their own abilities and strive to achieve their personal best.

Vision Statement

While being ever mindful of Allah, Glory is to Him the Most-High, and the Hereafter, in a safe Islamic environment, lay the best possible foundation for our students by way of exemplary example and relevant Islamically oriented education to the highest possible standards, so that they can make their way into the world as confident, contributing Muslims; and in so doing, ensuring that the Islamic nature of the School takes precedence over all other considerations.

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