Welcome to 2021


Dear Parents and Students,

Assalamu alaikum and Welcome back to our school year for 2021.

This year we want to focus on three (3) key areas;

1) A Safe and Caring Islamic Environment.
Where we all practice Islamic Aqhlaq (good manners) throughout the school day.

2) Engaging the children, whole-heartedly in all their learning.

3) Personalise each student’s learning.
So that each of them can achieve their best this year in 2021. Our Whole School, Walker Learning Approach to teaching and learning, strongly supports us in achieving these three areas.

There has been a major renovation of the school toilets which we are all so pleased about.

The outside of the school building has been painted and it looks beautiful, Alhamdulillah!

The Natureplay area has been maintained and improved so that it is much safer for the children.

As part of the “Safer Students Security Project“, the security lighting around the school and internally in the quadrangle and car park has been upgraded with solar-powered lighting to improve the safety of the school.

We’re looking forward to a great 2021.
Thank you very much.

Br. Ridhwan Mayze (Principal)

Facebook Post: https://fb.watch/3BG_QCBjVv/
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/rz4G4joD6P8


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